If you are not familiar with the NinjaTrader 8 platform and the import feature then take a quick look at the 3 minute installation video below.
The strategies will only run on a Ninja Trader 8 platform. If you don't have Ninja Trader 8 you can sign up for a free demo account here:
NinjaTrader Demo
You can download and install NinjaTrader 8, the EminiES 8x5 Chart workspace and the EminiES 8x5 strategy or you can request a representative perform the complete 30 minute install.
Step 1.
Downloading and Adding a Workspace with Chart Preset:
Download the EminiES 8x5 file and unzip in your download folder. Then move the EminiES 8x5.xml file to Ninja Trader 8 workspaces folder. Log out of Ninja Trader 8 and log back in. On the control panel select workspaces and then select EminiES 8x5 workspace.
Step 2:
Downloading and Installing the EminiES 8x5 Strategy:
Download the .zip file below to your desktop.
To import with Ninja Trader 8:
1. From the Control Center window select the menu Tools > Import> NinjaScript Add On to open the "Import" dialog window.
2. Select the .zip file you downloaded to your desktop.
3. Press the "Import" button.
Adding the Strategy to the Chart:
To add the strategy to your chart, right click on the chart and select "Strategies". Then when the strategies window opens, under "Available" select the strategy that you wish to install and then under "Configured" click the "add" button. The strategy is now ready to enable on the chart. To enable the strategy under "Properties" select the "account" that you wish to use and then check the "enabled" box and select "apply" at the bottom.
Set the "StartTime" and "EndTime" on EminiES8x5 to the correct time zone where you are located. The above time settings are for Eastern Standard Time. To run multiple contracts on EminiES8x5 change "Contractt" to the number of contracts you wish to trade and also multiply "DailyProfit" and DailyStop" times the number of contracts. For example. If you wish to trade 2 contracts change "Contract" to 2 and "DailyProfit" from 40 to 80 and "DailyStop" from -280 to -560. If you wish to trade live instead of simulated then select your account under "Account". If you wish to trade multiple times per day then increase the "DailyProfit" and "DailyStop". The strategy will trade until a daily target is hit. You can set calculate to "Bars on Close" or "On Each Tick". BOC calculates signals and profit/loss on the close of the 5 minute bar and OET calculates intrabar. If you use BOC then the start time should be set to 9:30 and if OET 9:40.
1/1/23 - 10/31/23
Assumptions: One ES Contract Traded
Calculated using On Bar Close
You can perform a backtest on each strategy using the Strategy Analyzer for past performance details. Select the system and all the settings will populate but you must set the instrument, the date, and the trading hours correctly and then hit run at the bottom. Backtesting only includes the OHLC points of the bar to estimate market movement and estimate order fills. There is no intrabar movement in a backtest to simulate order fills intrabar or to simulate intrabar logic.
You can fine tune the input parameters of a strategy through optimization. Optimization is the process of testing a range of values through iterative backtests to determine the optimal input values over the historical test period based on your optimization fitness. The pre-configured settings are for the ES futures contract. If you trade NQ, YM, DAX or other futures contacts you can use the same settings or re-optimize the target settings to suit your risk/reward.
EminiES 8x5
Release Date 1/2023
Once you have completed the install please email your NinjaTrader 8 machine id to:
Then you will need to log off and log back on to the NinjaTrader platform to activate the strategies.
We need your machine id to setup your license. Licenses will be activated within 24 hours after receiving your e-mail. You can find and copy your machine id in the control panel by selecting Help>About>Machine ID
The strategies come as a package called an 'assembly'. If you need to remove the assembly, go to Tools>Remove> NinjaScript Assembly>Select the assembly you wish to remove > Remove.

Once your chart is configured, the strategy installed and enabled your chart should appear as below:
EminiES 8x5